First off, you need to remember that the definition of failure of a civilization is going to vary widely within a population, and generally if goes unnoticed by its participants as they are distracted, confused, apathetic towards, incapable of changing, or in denial regarding the decay.
With that said, let’s proceed by generally accepted definitions of failure. This chart shows Reddit’s most popular growing subreddits (communities) between Jun 2021 and Jul 2022.
Yes, lots of great communities exist on Reddit. Some of the most useful ones ever. I use them. However, there is a lack currently in the recent growth of communities that promote the growth of a civilization through ideas such as pro-work and innovation, meaningful growth philosophies such as freedom, creation of fundamental societal needs, family development, helping others. Sure, any one of these topics below can be spun into something meaningful. E.g. Art, video games, and essentially anything could be considered by some as “therapeutic,” make-up helps people feel good about themselves, and crypto is a solution to the failures of the currently failing financial system, but at the end of the day they either are neutral, consume value (e.g. entertainment), or even promote anti-civilized ideas, regardless of their “intent.” When in doubt, consider the not-so-rich world, the hard workers out there, the Amish and Mennonites, who would essentially eschew or find little interest almost all of these topics.
When you realize that Reddit is the 22nd largest website in the world, and rapidly growing, most likely due to its voting system and hierarchy of social topic categorization (yes hierarchy is not inherently evil as some Redditors might think), then you realize its real influence on the world. Now, Facebook would be interesting too, but I cannot find any such data.

First up:
This is mostly people angry at large corps for not treating them well. Some of it is warrented, but some of it is excessive. I agree that large corps need to change, but Reddit sends the wrong message. Instead of work for yourself and/or with friends, small employers, switch jobs to corporations that treat their employees well, etc… it is: dont work anymore. To quote WP: “associated with contemporary labor movements, critique of work, and the anti-work movement.[1][2][3]. “r/antiwork was created in 2013 as a forum for discussion of anti-work thought within post-left anarchism” I agree with a couple of the points in there actually, like how jobs are becoming less about real work. The real issue is probably over-consumption, not a lack of production. So robots+AI may actually replace the need for work, give us all token jobs, or likely end in revolution as I describe elsewhere on this site.
The forum’s slogan reads: “Unemployment for all, not just the rich!” I just see it as the new Occupy Wallstreet, growing class division, and in some aspects, a divide between greedy people; yes, we all know about greedy rich people, but few understand greedy poor. I know quite a few. They expect people to just hand them money for no/little reason. Yes the problems today arent so much about economics and systems as much as it is about greed on all ends of the spectrum, but I suspect I will get little empathy, and even fewer followers from this statement.
I capitalize the names for readability. In order of largest to smallest, but also grouping similar topics together
Well, if the title doesn’t tell you about the deep, meaningful content posted there… Essentially, it’s all just random stuff. Lost in pointlessness, other than another laugh.
An activity once only used by women-of-the-night is now #3. Makeup is not bad of course, but I definitely do not miss it when it’s not used, nor feel the need to read websites about it on a daily basis (or yearly for that matter). At the end of the day, it’s human decoration, and no, I don’t really decorate my house either–my wife is always mad at me about that.
Its not so much about crypto as much as it is about trying to get lucky and rich, and therein lies the problem. The hopes that we can gain an enormous/unnecessary amount from the least effort possible, as opposed to succeeding by hard work and industry. Just the other day I heard a guy tell me how all his high school classmates want to be rich and not have to work hard. Something I have actually heard a lot more in recent years. I think its a trend.
Turning B&W photos into colored ones. More art.
r/AnimeMemes, r/MangaCollectors, AnimeFunny & a few others
As if regular (non-anima) memes were not enough entertainment.
/PopHeads, LofeHipHop
Pop music. Entertainment again.
One of the only ones here that is not entertainment or anti-civilization. Bitcoin isn’t the cureall, but it does provide an interesting alternative to things.
Sure, dating is very useful, but the age shows the reality of the slowing world growth. I talk a lot about relationship and fertility trends elsewhere on this site.
r/BeforeNAfterAdoption, r/AnimalsBeingGeniuses
I won’t delve into how the love of animals and machines, and the dislike of humans, will slowly replace humanity on this other post.
Everything else
Tattoos, painting, cosplay, fashion, movies, and dark stuff.
While Reddit may be geared towards entertainment and leisure, it is also a tool for productive community action and yet there is a dearth of growth in communities proposing solutions and positive civilization messages overall, which is no surprise considering its main demographic is the urban, single, male, financially successful. Essentially, a group that fits best in phase 3 of the decay cycle.
What would I expect if Reddit was an epicenter for civilization growth ideas? Topics centered around the following: Creating value, helping people, gardening, solving societal problems productively, learning, reading, self development, financial advice, running your own business, maximizing time and productivity, getting involved with governing, health/fitness, education, etc… Yes, they exist on there, but not a majority, and more importantly, not a growing trend. This is what matters most now.
But it’s not just Reddit’s users that are affected. You see, as they grow in popularity in it users, and along with its successful voting format, search engines bring new users to join the movements, even if the query is not really what the user was looking for since search engines are pretty bad today. So Reddit does not just contain ideas isolated to a small club of fanatics, it promulgates them to the masses. It is also no surprise that Reddit represents a growing pinnacle or central communications hub, or propaganda machine of the masses of the failing civilization; that is, if you have read much of this site. It is the logical outcome of the present directional trends of society at large.
And if you are a Reddit user, either disregard this post or take a red pill.