How Being a Citizen of the US Compares with Being a Member of a Cult

While churches often get flack for being “cults” I find it much clearer that the govt, even if more open in areas like vocal dissent, exerts FAR more power over the lives of Americans.

Here are some highlights.

  • They fund and guide public schools, not primarily engaged in Socratic debate. Federal controls states, states control local, generally.
  • They take everyone’s money, spend 45% of GDP, and threaten to take away anything you own if you don’t pay it.
  • Laws are draconian and authoritarian.
  • Most of all, it is increasingly difficult to live outside the US (e.g. FATCA).
  • Americans are increasingly seen as criminals (FATCA, mass surveillance, FINRA)
  • It takes 10 years to leave.
1. Authoritarian LeadershipHighThe U.S. government enforces laws with strict consequences. Leaders hold significant power over citizens. Obey or go to jail or pay large fines.
2. Charismatic FigureheadHighU.S. presidents are often treated as near-messianic figures by their supporters.
3. Us vs. Them MentalityHighPatriotism often emphasizes America’s superiority over other nations. “America First” mentality prevails.
4. IsolationModerate to HighThe U.S. fosters a unique culture and national identity, with many Americans uninformed about the rest of the world.
Forcing people to stay at home during Covid.
5. Control Over Daily LifeHighLaws dictate work, business, travel, speech (within limits), taxes, and personal behavior (e.g., drug laws, curfews).
The more laws, the more control.
FATCA stopped Americans from banking in other countries.
6. ExclusivityHighCitizenship is a privilege, and non-citizens have fewer rights. Becoming a citizen is difficult.
7. Demand for Absolute LoyaltyHighCitizens pledge allegiance, sing anthems, and are expected to stand for national symbols.

Citizens are unable to stop paying taxes until leaving the country for 10 years. Half of their wealth can be confiscated for high-income earners, meaning now up to 75% of what someone made is subject to govt theft.
8. Fear-Based TacticsHighGovernment uses fear (terrorism, crime, foreign threats) to justify policies and military action.
New laws demand that all small business prove they are not laundering money.
9. Extreme DevotionMedPatriotic holidays, military worship, and national pride are ingrained in American life.
10. ExploitationHighCitizens are required to pay taxes, and government spending often benefits elite interests.
Govt spends almost half of what citizens make.
Citizens are unable to stop paying taxes until leaving the country for 10 years. Half of their wealth can be confiscated for high-income earners, meaning now up to 75% of what someone made is subject to govt theft.
11. Brainwashing or IndoctrinationHighGovt funded schools teach U.S.-centric history, glorifying national achievements while downplaying flaws. Govt often provides few alternatives to Public education in many places.
Public schools do NOT foster public debate on most topics, mostly memorization of “facts.”
12. SecrecyHighThe government hides information (classified documents, mass surveillance, intelligence operations).
13. Rigid BeliefsModerate to HighDissent is legal but often discouraged; patriotism is an unwritten expectation.
14. Guilt and Shame ManipulationModerate to HighCitizens who criticize the U.S. are labeled “un-American” or traitors.
15. Ex-Communication ThreatsHighBreaking laws can result in imprisonment, exile (deportation for non-citizens), or losing rights.
16. Doomsday or Apocalyptic BeliefsHighThe U.S. constantly warns of existential threats (nuclear war, terrorism, climate crisis, etc.), and then enacts agencies and laws like the Patriot Act to control citizens.
17. Militant DefensivenessHighThe U.S. reacts aggressively to criticism, whether from within or outside the country.
18. Recruitment PressureHighCitizenship and military service are heavily promoted. Immigration is tightly controlled.
19. DependencyHighCitizens rely on the government for infrastructure, defense, and legal identity. Leaving permanently is difficult.

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